How can I translate this ? https://prnt.sc/v6gbhh?fbclid=IwAR0k-Y907DxIgniMpjoFjymAAPMTglbn3_78yr2nf9XcLcrtUtZs0fyAMV8
Best regards
Either you will find in wplms_plugin or in vibebp
I've already checked, they don't appear in WPLMS and vibebp :
Either for quizz new features : https://prnt.sc/vcvdzk
Are you sure you've put the string in the json ?
Yes it is in wplms_plugin: http://prntscr.com/vd7ugx
Might be possible that your POT file is not updated due to which these two strings not visible at your end. I can update your POT file if you can share cpanel/FTP details but make sure you have everything of latest version(theme as well as vibebp, wplms_plugin)
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