i need to fix this problem!
or there is another way to customize my category?!
thank you,
Due to language issue it is little difficult to understand with the video.
Please clarify me if I got it wrong.
If you are trying to show course of two categories on a page then you do not need to use course directory widget two times.
What you can do is select vibegrid widget on a elementor page and in that select taxonomy as course-cat and taxonomy terms of course category like this https://prntscr.com/x4bpua
For taxonomy term slug
Goto lms >>course category
the red marked field is course category slug.
Add it like this https://prntscr.com/xcvjks
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but course directory is not a normal page .You can not add two component on same page. It will not work.
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The only option is to use Course Directory Container and select to show "All" in Course Categories, Show levels there
The way you are trying to approach to solve your issue will never work.
To add multiple components on same page