certificate images issue

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  • #73401
    Hello, have a problem with certificates: i have 2 pictures inside certificates (logo and signature) and when i want to see a certificate, these 2 images are not showing and instead there a 2 white squares. The background image is showing. I read the topics and i have set the dimensions of the certificates and also the path to image i think it is correct, they are uploaded in media gallery (wp) , in my server. Can you help?  
    Anshuman Sahu
    Okay can you please share your site url and admin credentials to check the issue at your end ? PS : mark reply as private while sharing .
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    Anshuman Sahu
    I just cleared the cache for that certificate template and the logo and signature began to show . Please check and confirm .
    I don't undestand how you cleared cache and it worked, because i cleared site cache 1000 times and the images is still not appearing. I did cleared cache again now, and the images are still in no show. Only that certificate that you cleared cache for, works. Please, explain it to me like i am an idiot.....HOW DID YOU CLEARED CACHE? :)))) Seriously, please tell me, i am dying here....i am almost ready to bang a wall. :) Thank you very much for your time. anca
    Anshuman Sahu
    I just cleared the cache from the top admin bar and disabled these options in your template : http://prntscr.com/ct8yde
    yesssssss.....it worked. THANK YOU SO MUCH! :)))) anca
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