A lot of students are having trouble figuring out how to print their certificates upon successful completion of their course. It's available when clicking the Stats tab, but they don't understand that clicking the certificate icon opens up the certificate for printing.
I would like to add some wording such as 'print certificate' next to the icon and have found out how to add the text to the stats page, but only by overwriting core code, which I don't like because I can't update WPLMS without having to re-apply my changes. I can't see any available hooks in this area either, is this something you can add in your next version or is there another way to accomplish this in the current version (btw, I'm on version 1.9.8)<span style="line-height: 1.5;">?</span>
How about we can increase the size the icon : Try adding the given css from wp-admin -> appearance -> customize -> custom css :
#certificate .extra_buttons a { font-size: 30px;}
I don't think the size is the issue, the issue is that it's unclear what the icon means. I really think it should be a button or icon with the text/label 'print certificate', so as to make it very clear what the main purpose of the icon is. If the only solution is to add css code, how about providing an icon image that includes the words 'print certificate' or 'view certificate'....maybe 'view certificate' is more accurate as a student may want to view it and not necessarily print it.
Sorry this is no possible in wplms as of now this is hardcoded in the js files .