[certificate_student_name] not showing the certificate or working

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  • #249121
    Hi there I added the following shortcode to all our user`s profile so they can inspect their certificates. [certificate_student_name] However, The short code doesn't work. When I add this code instead - the certificate is showing - but not with the right student! https://prnt.sc/rtf675 Please help. Thanks    
    hi, are you trying to add this short-code on user profile page? if yes then it is not going to work there. it will work on the certificate.
    ok so where should I put it?
    I would like the user \student to see his own certificate on his profile after completing the course - and I can`t get it to work.
    hello, once the course is completed by the user and certificate is assigned to the user then it will shown in the profile section. refer: https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/show-certificates-and-badges-below-profile-details/ you need to add the short code on the certificate it will assign the name of the student who gained the certificate.
    Hi Veronica Thanks for your replay. 1:We have the <span style="color: #000000; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600; white-space: nowrap;">WPLMS Customizer Plugin installed but there is no way to reach it This path </span><span style="color: #4b4d4d; font-family: Lato; font-size: 15px;">wp-admin->plugins->editor->wplms customizer plugin->wplms-customizer.php file.</span> doesn't exist on our WP admin side. Did you mean we have to access it through ftp? 2:
    you need to add the short code on the certificate it will assign the name of the student who gained the certificate.
    Already did - the shortcode doesn`t work as intended
    hi, for the 1... https://prnt.sc/ryuxd4 here you have to put the code
    for the 2... please refer to this tip carefully: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9mXInbmFGY after that if it is not working on your certificate then provide the video of the issue i will replicate the same on your setup.
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