Certificates with wrong size

Home Forums Legacy Support Support queries How-to & Troubleshooting Certificates with wrong size

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  • #113411
    Hi there, I read a lot of posts here about the certificates and I follow some steps of others customers but nothing solve my problem. I have huge images for the certificates (and the small also) but I can show the certificate in a right way on the screen. I tried to regenerate, I create a new one, I disable the eventOn and so on and can't fix the problem. Could you help me with this situation? Thanks https://prnt.sc/faug2f (the screen captured with the error) https://prnt.sc/faugww (the certificate configuration) https://prnt.sc/fauhsj (the LMS config to disable image)  
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi... Thanks for sharing the screenshots it helps in understanding the issue. Can you please share the site url and the admin credentials with us to check the issue on your website and try to fix it for you. PS: Please mark your reply as private while sharing the credentials.
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    H.K. Latiyan
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    I have the exacly problem.  Cold you please help me with this. I need this certificate working so badly.
    H.K. Latiyan
    @inglescurso: Please create your own topic for your issue, and please explain the issue clearly. Also you can share the website url and the admin credentials with us in a private reply to check the issue.
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