Certification preview on mobile phones screen

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  • #346835
    Hi guys, The Certification preview is not displaying correctly on mobile phones screen. It is not responsive, which can only see a part of it. desktop version: https://prnt.sc/10oe4p9 mobile version: https://prnt.sc/10oe5al Please help on this thanks and regards
    Using wplms pdf certificates addon? or the normal certificate template we have?
    using the normal certificate template.
    Need to check if width and heigh px are fine and then will try to regenrate the certificate. Do share the site URL with credentials in a private reply
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    checking on your site
    hi first would like to request you that please check these topics first: https://wplms.io/support/forums/topic/certification-is-not-displaying-correctly-on-mobile-phones/ https://wplms.io/support/forums/topic/certificate-not-display-in-mobile/ form these topics i hope you get the idea that noraml certificate builder has some issue to reduce this and to increase the functionalities we provide PDF certificate so another request is to use PDF certificate builder as it has many functionalities for that: --------------------------------------------------------- for that make sure that you have activated the wplms pdf certificate plugin here are the tips regarding the PDF Certificate plugin refer: https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/pdf-certificates/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9mXInbmFGY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyJGVlegWTc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylT1j35dUbg https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/wplms-pdf-certificates-update-1-3/ make sure you have enabled all the latest versions of plugins and themes on your site. it’s all the adjustments that you have did on your certificate. let me clear the steps for pdf certificate 1- select the text box in pdf certificate builder choose the width and height accordingly 2- drag and drop the element according to your design 3- choose the alignment of the text there and after that click on the EDIT TEXT 4- after that click the save option then update the entire certificate this is how it will work
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    Hi, I installed the recommended plugin and created the certificate for the course "Engenharia de Cargos Techtouch", however the certificate in the mobile version still has a problem. https://prnt.sc/10udznv
    As certificate is based on fixed width and height in mobile it always left short of width , script runs and takes screenshot of this certificate without knowing that it is being cut off from screen . What we can do is prevent user to open certificate in mobile and ask them to view it on desktop for the first time only .for this you can use this tip : https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/add-notice-to-view-the-certificate-on-desktop/ Once the image is viewed on desktop , we save this image in media library , then user can open it on mobile .
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