Please share the code that you used, to add start and end date in course detail column.
I am using the wplms theme.
The default is set to the Y-m-d.
Any file and any place should you fix?
By default we don't show the end date in course details. So I was asking about the code that you used to show the end date in course details, so that I can modify it accordingly. Nevermind, use this code instead:
function hk_custom_wplms_course_details_widget($course_details){
global $post;
$course_details['end_date']='<li>END DATE : '.date_i18n( get_option( 'date_format' ), strtotime($end_date)).'</li>';
return $course_details;
After using this code just go to settings->general->Date Format: and choose the appropriate date format that you want.
How we have to do for start date?
where is the file for change the date format?
To change the date format it is in settings->general->date format.