When users check the page source code they will see the theme name. I want to change to be the school name. Previously this was easy, but now with Modern child theme it's not. When I change the the directly an the corresponding lines in the style.css, I got blank screen...
How can I change the theme name by using the Modern theme?
Change the Modern theme theme in modern_theme/style.css
and you're done. A better way to hide theme name would be to use plugins like hidemywp (or similar) which encrypt the theme name to some random string./
I changed the name but in the page code it still shows wplms.
When I change "Template: wplms" in style.css for another name, and then change the directory to the same name I got an error saying the theme is broken.
I will look to the plugin you mention, nevertheless I wanted to solve it without using a plugin.
The only reason why I suggest this is if you change the theme name, the auto-updates would stop. A plugin is best suited for this job, as you can get the updates and hide theme name at the same time.
Thanks for the clarification