Time appearance in course curriculum need to change i don't see option to change that
" 01:20:30 " time needs to be needed to " 1 Hr 20 Mins 30 Sec "
There is a reason why we prefer to show it this way, because in responsive mode the 1hr, 20 mins 30 seconds would appear too big for mobile screens.
Try below code : Add this code in child theme functions.php file.
Also make sure you have FTP details when you're testing this code so that if you make some mistake in copying and pasting the code you can remove it.
foreach($curriculum as $key => $item){
$duration = get_post_meta($item['id'],'vibe_duration',true);
$duration_parameter = apply_filters("vibe_".$item['type']."_duration_parameter",60,$item['id']);
$total_duration = $duration*$duration_parameter;
$item['duration'] = tofriendlytime($total_duration);
$curriculum[$key] = $item;
return $curriculum;},10,2);});
p.s: This is a customisation request, customisations are not included in theme support.