Click to renew not working from My Courses

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  • #60150
    When the course expires for student and they want to renew it from My Courses section, no matter which variable option they select (they can select duration and payment frequency variations), they always end up having the same option in the cart: 12 months / monthly payment. So they are unable to make their own selection. The renewal works perfectly fine from the main course page though so it seems there is some problem on the My Courses page itself. I'm getting two errors in the console: (index):107 Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token (index):108 Uncaught ReferenceError: varRevenue is not defined   All plugins and theme are up to date. Please advise. I will provide my login details in the next message. Thank you.
    url: TEST STUDENT LOGIN (to see the problem): username: testuser password: 6254875   ADMIN LOGIN username: vibethemes password: k7)zHuNinR3S2is%fe*NZnuq
    Ignore the Uncaught SyntaxErrors, they are coming from the tracking code, but the main  issue with the course renewal from the My Courses page still remains. Please fix
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please try adding the given script in your wp-admin -> wplms -> footer -> google anylitics script : <script> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery(".course_button, .item-credits .button").addClass("course_button"); jQuery(".variations_form").on("reset_data",function(){  jQuery(".course_button, .item-credits .button").addClass("disabled"); }); jQuery(".single_variation_wrap").on("show_variation",function(){  jQuery(".course_button,.item-credits .button").removeClass("disabled"); });   jQuery(".course_button, .item-credits .button").on("click",function(event){ event.preventDefault(); if(jQuery(this).hasClass("disabled")) return; else{ jQuery(".single_add_to_cart_button").trigger("click"); } }); }); </script>
    Your code above made the buttons totally unresponsive, not clickable so I removed it. The page is showing the errors (attached).
    Anshuman Sahu
    We have noted this issue An update of wplms woocommerce plugin is coming up with the fix for it today .
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