Contact Form Problems

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  • #322995
    Hello, I have a problem with the Vibe Shortcode contact form, when I click on submit button, nothing happen and in console I have this error: [Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: vibe_shortcode_strings (funzione anonima) (shortcodes.js:1:5451) How I can fix? Thank you, Marco ucuz takipçi satın al
    Try adding the contact form using Elementor From Frontend. Then check if you are facing the same issue or not
    Dear Diana, if i visit the unit directly as admin but not in the course, the form is working. Thank you, Marco
    Sir, If you can share admin credentials and mention on which course and unit then I can check the same
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    Thank you for answer, it was not clear to use the front end editor. I try to add form from front end but is not working, will appear in the constructor an field input type text with "search.." placeholder but nothing appear in the course unit. Can you explain better? Thank you so much!
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    Dear Diana, I just did it, i created a form in backend and in frontend edit course I have the shortcode, this is the form: [form to="" subject="FAD" event=""] Come valuta la rilevanza degli argomenti trattati rispetto alle sue necessità di aggiornamento? [form_element type="select" validate="required" options="1 - Non rilevante,2,3,4,5 - Molto rilevante" upload_options="null" placeholder="Seleziona"] Come valuta la qualità educativa di questo programma FAD? [form_element type="select" validate="required" options="1 - Insufficiente,2,3,4,5 - Eccellente" upload_options="null" placeholder="Seleziona"] Come valuta la utilità di questo evento per la sua formazione/aggiornamento?" [form_element type="select" validate="required" options="1 - Insufficiente,2,3,4,5 - Molto utile" upload_options="null" placeholder="Seleziona"] Il tempo che ha dedicato ad acquisire le informazioni contenute in questo programma FAD rispetto alle ore previste. È stato : [form_element type="select" validate="required" options="1 - Molto Inferiore,2 - Poco inferiore,3 - Uguale al previsto,4 - Poco superiore,5 - Molto superiore" upload_options="null" placeholder="Seleziona"] Questo programma FAD è stato preparato con il supporto di sponsor. Ritiene che nel programma ci siano riferimenti, indicazioni e/o informazioni non equilibrate o non corrette per influenza dello sponsor o altri interessi commerciali ? [form_element type="select" validate="required" options="1 - No,2,3,4,5 - Molto e rilevanti*" upload_options="null" placeholder="Seleziona"] * In caso di risposte “sì rilevante” o “molte” si prega di indicare qualche esempio. [form_element type="textarea" validate="" options="" upload_options="null" placeholder="Inserire qualche esempio"][form_element type="submit" validate="" options="" upload_options="null" placeholder="INVIA"][/form] But in the units the submit button is not working and as I wrote at the beginning in the consolle I have this error: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: vibe_shortcode_strings I tryed also with a simply form with only a text area field, but is the same, you can see the fields, but the submit button is not working. Each time i edit from front end, the shortcode pasted is cleared. Thank you for your fast reply!
    I am adding it in the issue log:
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