I’m unable to see Continue Course Button on the course page. It appears, and just in a second it goes hidden, I just see FREE or PRIVATE.
Check Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/u7c8om
Also I've not enabled hide course button after subscription: https://prnt.sc/u7c9aj
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From your description of the issue it seems like you have enabled the hide course button setting in the course, refer: http://prntscr.com/dwq0zg
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In wplms 4.0 you can find it from here:https://prnt.sc/u7wt1n
Goto dashboard>>course and see from here: https://prnt.sc/u7wtfh
And for single course page look it: https://prnt.sc/u7wuuw
there are many console errors,
But a user can start course from the dashboard