Hello! How can I change the countdown language?
I want it to say "dias, horas, minutos, segundos" <span id="result_box" class="short_text" lang="en">respectively.</span>
Thank you!
I did the translate but I don't find where are "days, hours, minutes, seconds" text from here: https://prnt.sc/l116dn
The only thing that can change is the inside of the shortcode: https://prnt.sc/l3vjh0https://prnt.sc/l3vi4h
Maybe this translation is someowhere else? And no in the Vibe Shortcodes plugin.
Now checked this on my test setup and I am sure that it is coming from vibe shortcode Plugin
Refer: http://prntscr.com/l3ynb4
You have to hit on sync button and then check again by searching this text