I am checking your site and the use case you're presenting.
To avoid any misunderstandings or communication gaps, I would suggest that we concentrate on 1 Course only.
Taking the use case :
You have a course :
In French it is :
And Arabic it is :
Now, although you can totally skip the product from being displayed using the Direct checkout method ( http://quick.as/x4xqhgz8 ) , but if you're displaying the product then you need 3 products for each language.
The products are :
connected to the course in English.
In French :
connected to the course in French via associated product.
In Arabic :
connected to the course in Arabic via associated product.
Now all these products must be connected to above 3 courses, and I am able to add/remove courses from both the Course - Associated product section and from Product - Associated courses section.
You use case is really confusing because you have not specified which course is in which language all the course names are same in english or which product is which language. The french and english courses have same name but the ID's are different.
Once again, I fail to understand the issue when i test all the settings seem to be working fine for the course you're presented.
Since your test case is really confusing, I am building a new test case with the Test course to understand the issue.
Please see this use case it is working perfectly fine.
Course : http://arch-school.com/course/test-course/
Ok, I more thing,
For courses, you need to make sure you set the vibe_course meta field to Translate in the
MultiLingual Content Setup metabox :
p.s : This setting is provided by WPML and not by vibethemes.
is any problem if i set all vibe_ meta to Translate ??
Not sure on this. You'll get better feedback on this from WPML support. In my opinion it should work fine.
But as you can see the above case works perfectly with the above setting.
Marking this issue as resolved.