I upgrade 4.1 from 3.x.
No course layout showing as I think.
I delete some widgets in the course sidebar because there was so many error message and not showing anything.
What should I do? Give me some tips.
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Hello. Anybody there?
After update to 4.1 I can not use course, quiz, submission a message.
Could you help me?
I followed the video and document one by one.
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Thanks Veronica. it looks working. I am just checking through it.
I recognized site have java script issue, so several plugin like wp form is not funtioning. so do vibe forms also. I am looking for a solution. A lot of solution state cache plugin, it has same problem even after I deactivate wp rocket. Do you have any tips I can try?
can you please let us know exactly where
proper screenshot or anything so we can check this on your site