Course Review

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  • #142540
    The way udemy is doing course reviews makes more sense. You guys should check this out and take it as a good improvement to the current review function. First, the user will be reminded via a popup while he has finished the first few lessons, then later on again (no idea when but I guess after 50 or 70 % finished) and then at the end as well. There is no clicking on a "Review this course" because only a few people are doing this. The user is kind of "forced". He can hide the popup window and review later but at least it comes into his view while he is doing the course. At the end the user has the chance to change/add/correct the review to finalize it. There he has some tags to click on (already prepared makes it easier to finish a review for all user who don't have that much time) what was good or bad, means predefined keywords/tags are offered. Because sorting for review in the course directory is offered and from all our members only a few use the review function the way it is solved now is neither really user friendly nor leads to more reviews. Even the touchpoint is a good idea but then you have to check your e-mail account, get annoyed of notification mails and so on. If I have a reminder while I am doing the course and it takes me 2 minutes I am willing to review it. Please check it out.
    In addition to that perhaps a function to just allow only star rating (as an option) could also lead to the fact, that more people will use this feature although it doesn't give that much information about the vote. But a good first step.
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