please tell me if my settings are correct:
1. I have Units (eg. Welcome) valid for several courses. Can I add the same unit to different courses or I have to copy it and rename?
2. At the end of each course I have set a Survey type quiz.
- The quiz is not linked to the course.
- The score for each question is 0 and passing score is 0. The result is "Failed" (not so good to see after submitting satisfaction questionairre).
And where can I find the results of this questionairre?
Thank you
yes you can add as I have tried the same with v4 and it is working
and for the second query
if you want to show stats of each question then it is not available
you can do a thing that enable the check answer switch to check the result of each question
2. I don't show stats.
And where are collected the results of survey quiz?
you can add all survey questions in a quiz and can download the stat from here:
Found, thank you for showing me. Please close this topic
thanks for your confirmation
closing this topic