Course setup question

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  • #71098
    I am attempting to use WPLMS to convert our print based home school curriculum into an online option for our customers, but I'm having some difficulty figuring out the best way to set up a section of our course. All of our courses have texts, activities, quizzes, and tests. I can set up the texts with no problem using the "Units" option in WPLMS and setting up the quizzes and tests seem feasible with the "Quiz" option. My question is with setting up activities for our course. For the activities, I would like them to function like the quizzes with multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank, etc. However, students need to be able to access the text to find answers to the questions. Students also need to be evaluated on the activities for feedback on how they did, but the score of the activities do not need to count towards the overall score of the course. Basically, the activities are practice exercises for the quizzes and tests. Is there a way to do this either through the options in the admin panel or with some code modification? If so, how?    
    H.K. Latiyan
    Please refer this tutorial for practice quizzes.
    A link didn't show up for me in your post, however, I was able to find the tutorial and that is a perfect solution for me. Thank you! Here is the link to the tutorial for anyone who stumbles upon this thread Also, if you don't want your practice quizzes to show up on the same page as your unit, I found this tutorial to be helpful too
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