Course start > create POST api request (email as variable)

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  • #2322
    When someone starts a course, it needs to get 'read and analyze' access to a Google Analytics account. There is a GA API for that which should use the email address of the course taker as a variable. The API code is: POST { "userRef": { "email": "" }, "permissions": { "local": [ "READ_AND_ANALYZE" ] } } I read something about the hook wplms_start_course, just don't know how to get started. Any help would be much appreciated.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please add your custom code in wplms customizer.php file and post the value  like this  :   add_action('wplms_course_start_after_timeline','gacpde',10,1); function gacode($course_id){     $user_id = get_current_user_id();     $user = get_user_by( 'id', $user_id);     $course_status = bp_course_get_user_course_status($user_id,$precourse);     if( $course_status == 1){     ?>     <script>     //send code to GA via js     <?php  echo $user->user_email; //will echo the user email      ?>     </script>     <?php     } } Please post the json object to the url via js  .
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