Course status url and back to course button

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  • #113819
    • How can I go directly to specific course status page! is there is anyway to get specific course url in course status mode "full screen mode"?
    • How can I disable "back to course" button for one specific course or for the current opened course in course status?
    Hi! I want to hide all of the contents of (div class="more_course") in course status page for specific course. Usually there are three buttons in this DIV, Back to course, review course and finish course. For some reason I don't want this section to be visible at all in some courses! Can you help me to find a way to do that ?
    Anshuman Sahu
    1. Directly to course status screen  : Well unfortunately this is not possible coz that "start/continue" buttons actually posts course id on the course-status page with the help of which course content is fetched . So user have to click on start/continue course in order to see the content of the course properly . 2. This is also not available as of now in wplms . since its the first time we have seen such request I would ask you to create feature request fro this here : If upvoted we will add this feature.
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Please create a feature request for this. We will add this if your feature request gets upvoted by sufficient amount of users.  
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