1. Is there a way to have three tier pricing. That will controll how many section a student can view, how long they can be a student, access to the forum of not. I want potentail customers to see this pricing tier table right after they click “take this crouse” on the link http://vibethemes.com/envato/wplms/skins/onecourse/course/one-course/
I want to do a pricing tier like this:
6 months access
4 lessons
Membership to Exclusive group
Lifetime access
Unlimated content updates
9 Video, audio and text lessons
Membership to Exclusive group
Lifetime Access
Unlimated content updates
All 13 Video, Audio and text Lessons
Membership to Exclusive group
2. How do I create courses and add the course content.
3. When I click on my login name (once I am logged in) on this screen http://datingadviceacademy.com/course/one-course/?action=curriculum. It does not take me to a profile or show a drop down menu
4. how can I Make everyone create an account once they buy on the check out screen
5. How can I Create a double password confirmation again on the check out screen
6. When I click start course on this page http://datingadviceacademy.com/course/one-course/ it does not start the course.
7. Do you have a service that will help me with this stuff?
This would be possible with WPLMS WooCommerce plugin which supports variable pricing. The plugin would be released this week.
Is this plugin available now?