Create Course — doesnt show warnings

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  • #74751
    Hi Vibe, When a user without entering course title , just clicked on create course button , it doesnt show any error messages such as : Please Enter a Course Name. same for any fields. How do we fix this?
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    Anshuman Sahu
    Unable to replicate the issue on our test site and neither any user has reported the same issue ever on the forums . I suspect that most of the issues are appearing due to your customizations and modifications in scripts and styles files . I would recommend to check if you have updated your styles or scripts files after you update the plugins or theme . You can check our demo or probably try another install if wplms to see if the warning appears or not .
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    Anshuman Sahu
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    Anshuman Sahu
    Well Again checked your site but was not able to find the exact reason behind all these issues of yours . This is definitely related to the scripts loading but I do not know what is specifically wrong here . I also found one thing : To test this if it is something realetd to our wplms front end plugin I deactivated the front end plugin but it still generated the whole edit course page . There is no code in any other file of wplms theme or any of its plugin related to the front end edit . Code for fornt end edit is only in the wplms front end plugin but it is still somehow generating the page . check video in private reply. It seems like that you have overwritten the [edit_course] shortcode in your child theme . Please ask your developer to check the changes in new front end plugin and its scripts .
    Anshuman Sahu
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    Anshuman Sahu
    Can you please share your admin credentials for this new site also so that we can check the issue on you new site .
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    Anshuman Sahu
    Ok I checked your new site found that after deactivating certain plugins they are still showing in the front end . check screenshot in private reply . I guess either the plugins are not really deactivating in your site or the pages are cached from server side . So can you please take a look at it ?Please also contact your webhost to clear and disable any kind of caching in your site .
    Anshuman Sahu
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