Actually, when people receive email from my website for the course, they receive it from :
Root User <root@localhost.hosting.ovh.net>
Moreover, the profile picture is the logo of my host.
How can I change that and the content of the emails?
Please try adding the given code in your wp-admin > plugins > editor > wplms-customizer.php file at the end before "?>" in wplms customizer plugin :
add_filter('wp_mail_from', 'new_mail_fromqw');
add_filter('wp_mail_from_name', 'new_mail_from_nameqw');
function new_mail_fromqw($old) {
return 'admin@site.com';
function new_mail_from_nameqw($old) {
return 'site name';
instead of admin@site.com -----> use your email id
And instead of "Site Name" ------> use site name
Then test again