How can I change the colors of Star rating, Coming Soon, Free, Start and Finished to my desired color code? It is only the price that changes. I want a blue color and I only see the option to change price color. How can I locate others? See image. If I should use custom CSS, where will I insert it and an example will help a lot. <b></b><i></i><u></u>
Go to wp-admin->appearance->customiser->add custom CSS-> add these lines and save.
.block.courseitem.course3 .course_price span{color:red !Important;}
.block.courseitem.course3 .block_media{height:119px !Important;}
Hello Skywalker,
This only worked on "COMING SOON" and "PRICE". It did not affect the "FREE" and Star rating. The ratings are still on yellow color while "FREE" is still green. See image below for clarification. I want everything here to be blue color.