I have added 2 widgets in dashboard.
1. plain html: this is not rendered
2. dasboard my module widgets: it renderd but the course is not showing.
Here is a screenshot: http://prnt.sc/uunnu9
and widgets screenshot: http://prnt.sc/uuno7o
In mobile dasboard alwyas showing empty.
mobile view: http://prnt.sc/uunorj
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shows now when setting nuymber of items :
Ok thank you.
but what about the plain html option.
Actually I deleted the plain html. it's still not showing
Please check for the buddy press course status widgets also. thank you
Well that widget is created for the single course page and wont work properly on the dashboard page .
So only widgets that prefix with dashboard will working on the dashboard?
yes currently the other widgets are not working.
Adding to issue log : https://trello.com/c/9Y8xlDcn
Please also note that widgets related to logged in user session might not work even after fix as our login and wordpress login systems are different.