we're trying to translate our dashboard into Lithuanian and Polish languages (http://wordpress-314728-1778398.cloudwaysapps.com/course/personal-skills-essential-for-becoming-entrepreneur/#component=course). However, if we use Loco Translate - words are translated only when manually changing URL address structure into /lt or /pl (when first logged in - the URL address doesn't even have a language part), moreover, the whole dashboard doesn't work and the menu disappears. We get these errors then: https://prnt.sc/10obwcl
If we create VibeBP Profile Menu in Lithuanian language - it shows only in a separate browser tab and only when we change language in WP admin panel first. However, the URL doesn't change (it's missing the language part) and the previous translations don't show up. We get these errors: https://prnt.sc/10oc1q1
There's php.ini file created in wp-admin/ folder, memory=1024MB, htaccess file is newly generated based on these configurations: https://prnt.sc/10oc3yp
We regularly clear cache and cookies in browser.
Do you have any ideas what can be wrong?
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