Difference between Teacher and Instructor?

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  • #11914
    Can you explain the difference in the Instructor vs Teacher roles? I know that an instructor  can create courses and units/lessons. Does a teacher have a different permissions, access? I want to avoid instructors/teachers editing the courses once created. Is this possible? Are there separate biography pages for teachers and instructors? Thanks :)
    Anshuman Sahu
    Sorry i was not able to understand your query. There is just instructor role in wplms . There can be more than one instructor of one course . Please refer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zaw277pvaig
    Alex, in our WPLMS we have both Teacher and Instructor roles (see attached screenshot), which is why I am asking what the differences are. NOTE: can we make it so teachers cannot have have access to editing any pages, including course pages? We have admin people handle this and I don't want teachers to accidentally mess up the course or lesson pages. Thanks for your help.
    Anshuman Sahu
    I checked your site and found that you have trashed all of the pages in your site . Please restore all the pages in your site . refer : http://prntscr.com/9aje8u FOr the user role issue please note that there is no such role named "Teacher" created by the wplms . Wplms only created a user role named "Instructor"  . You have added the Teacher user user role with the help of a  third party plugin . This is not at all related to the theme . It would be great if you contact the one who had setup your site .
    Alex...Thank you!!! Argh! I was so confused as to why the site was behaving poorly. Thank you for showing me how to restore the pages. What would have caused all the pages to be trashed? I didn't do that knowingly. Also, thank you for explaining the extra "Teacher" role. That's been there for a while, and my developer never explained that he had done that. Not sure what plugin created that. Thank you, again, Alex. You're awesome!
    Anshuman Sahu
    There may be many reasons for this .There may be a third party plugin or you have manually moved them to the trash by mistake  .
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