Can you help me pls??
Why its dont work? http://prntscr.com/lrng5o
i'm using this form code:
[form to="" subject="" event=""] [form_element type="text" validate="required" options="" upload_options="null" placeholder="Nome"] [form_element type="text" validate="email" options="" upload_options="null" placeholder="E-mail"] [form_element type="text" validate="phone" options="" upload_options="null" placeholder="Telefone"] [form_element type="upload" validate="required" options="" upload_options="PDF,TEXT,DOC,DOCx,PPT,PPTX,ZIP,PNG,JPG,JPEG" placeholder="Documento"] [form_element type="captcha" validate="required" options="" upload_options="null" placeholder=""] [form_element type="submit" validate="" options="" upload_options="null" placeholder="Enviar"] [/form]
i'm using the same setting in other course and work fine. Just in this course dont work
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Ok, but i cant see the form on course page, i need it.
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