Drip Feed problem with only one Student

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  • #252045
    Hello! I faced a weird problem. We started a new course a couple of weeks ago with 20 clients. Drip feed is set to open two new units once a week - access dates are set individually into each unit. This works fine with everyone else but one Student. She has all the same settings as everyone else and she has done everything according to instructions. The first unit opens to her, others say "unit cannot be accessed". The first one is not free unit. So this is very strange, what should I do? I tried to remove her from the course and put her back, it didn't help, after that I removed her entire account and recreated it, still the same thing. Thank you!
    Anshuman Sahu
    Okay there seems some data was not properly for her . There are various data's that got set automatically when user access the units. Maybe that student accessed the unit before the drip feed was enabled . solution is to reset the course for the user from course admin . To enable access from the unit which he supposed to access please mark complete units for him from course admin after resetting the course for him . refer : https://wplms.io/support/instructors-can-mark-unit-completeincomplete-for-students/  
    Thank you so much! This helped.  
    thanks for the confirmation. closing the topic. #staysafe.
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