Hey awesome support people!
Any idea why I'm getting duplicate emails when the next unit is available?
We've not been able to replicate this issue. Does this happen for all users or you only ?
Is this a one of-instance or it happens for all the units of all the drip courses ?
Are both mails for same course ? Check the content of drip mail (LMS - Settings - emails - schedule), make sure you've used {{course}} - course name in the email content/subject.
here's how drip unit emails work :
a. When every the user accesses the previous unit in a drip feed. We clear the previous timer for the course-user and set a new timer for the next email (cron job).
b. When the timer expires, the user is sent an email.
c. So the only possibility is that the previous unit mail did not clear, which is very rare (not possible) because the clear happens before we set the new mail trigger.
The screenshots are identical except for the unit name missing in the second email. Here are the screenshots of the duplicates:
I honestly don't know if this happens to all users or just myself, but it happens for all of the units in the course. Thank you.
Thanks for the screenshot. This clarifies a lot.
Are you both the Instructor and Student of the Course ? It would be great if you can confirm as a student as well. This is the only instance of this issue so far and we've not been able to replicate this issue.
Ah yes! I am in both roles in that course. I always occupy both roles so that I can see exactly what my students see. Is there another way that I should be doing that? I don't mind the duplicate emails if I'm the only one receiving them.
Thank you.
You can check your course by logging in with the student's credentials also .