duplicate registration forms

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  • #115018
    I followed the video instructions on how to make a custom registration form. When i added the shortcode to my registration page (name the page "Newuser" and linked it under buddypress settings to registration) it shows the form but there is an additional set of registration fields below my form that i cant figure out how to remove. At the moment im trying to remove using CSS but not having any luck. Any suggestions? Thanks
    Hi, The additional registration fields that you are seeing on your registration forms are Buddypress' profile fields. 1. You can customise them from the WP-Admin->Users->Profile Fields. Please Refer to this Screenshots : http://prntscr.com/fejfk1http://prntscr.com/fejgh9 After customising the profile fields. 2. Go to wp-admin->lms settings->Registration Forms You can check which fields you want in your particular Registration Shortcode. Refer to this Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/fejh3g
    for all who were searching why the buddypress registration form always shows underneath the custom registration form after entering the shortcode on the default buddypress registration page: use a empty page and then you have to override the default buddypress registration page here: wplms => buddypress =>Custom Registration page
    Mark Morgan
    @waytogo Thanks for sharing your experience, it will be helpful for other users.
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