Hello. In my website, I have some quizzes which consists of between 50 to 120 questions, defined by tags. When I decided to use them with dynamic question section instead of manually adding them one by one, I have encountered a problem that causes the questions to be randomized each and every time I reset the quiz. The switch for random questions is off but I still encounter this problem. What can I do to fix it? (It's not logical to add questions manually to the quizzes as their number exceeds 1200 already.)
Unable to replicate the issue at my test setup .
CAn you please check the if the randomize option is enabled or not in quiz settings in backend edit quiz page .?
If above does not helps then Please share your site url and admin credentials to check this issue at your end .
PS : mark reply as private while sharing .
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Well i checked your site and tried to add some more question tags in that quiz but quiz is not showing appropriate question set..
I would need your ftp credentials in private reply to check this issue at your end .
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Ok I have added some code fix in your wplms customizer file ,please check it and confirm if its working or not .
It's not working. I have cleared the caches, created new test accounts, yet it's still random questions.
Well its the wordpress query itself returning the random question each time in the dynamic quiz .
We are using Wp_query and it itself returning random results each time .
This is the code which is do not control and is in wordpress core files itself .
Dear Alex,
I am glad for your help even though it didn't work for me. I'll try to figure out something. :)