Dynamic Quiz Stats

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  • #103292
    H.K. Latiyan
    1) In the csv report the student name is shown along with the date and the question answers, refer: http://prntscr.com/ep15er 2) In the above screenshot you can see that the question titles are shown in the report and therefore you do not have to find the question according to the answers, just set the question titles accordingly.
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    H.K. Latiyan
    I have replicated the issue on my test setup and trying to fix it on my test setup. I'll let you know more about it soon.
    H.K. Latiyan
    I found this to be a bug and fixed on my test setup as well as on your website, please check again now.  
    Thanks, now it seems to display the info correctly. 1) The csv opens correctly on Google docs but doesn't open correcty on Excel (which is what my instructors use)... Is there a way to achieve this? 2) Now the data on the csv is correct (thanks for fixing it again) but the content format is not very user-friendly at all (being very basic data that we analyse all the time)... Is there a way to define some format to this csv output file even if we have to do it manually? (custom fields, space between rows/colums, colors, font style, formulas...)   Thanks
    H.K. Latiyan
    The CSV is a format which opens in all the platform but the Excel is a platform built for windows only. We can also not control from the web the cross platform designs and therefore we cannot give any styles for format to a csv, this is handled by the platform you are using to show the styles and the format in the csv file.
    Ok... maybe you could consider implementing a different system other than csv (pdf, xml...) to display stats in a more user-friendly way. Just a suggestion. It would be very useful when you have to analyse every day results from docens of students. Could you please share the page or piece of code that generates the output for the csv? Thanks!
    H.K. Latiyan
    Thanks for the suggestion, we'll try improving in this area.
    So... In the meantime... "Could you please share the page or piece of code that generates the output for the csv?" Thanks!
    H.K. Latiyan
    The code that handles it is present in the vibe course module plugin/includes/bp-course-ajax.php file. The function is "wplms_download_mod_stats".  
    Thank you !
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