Edit course link from course fronted is Missing

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  • #387719
    I have updated my theme from wplms 3.0 to 4 version I keep the old layout of theme but updated wplms theme and vibebp plugin and wplms plugin after update. I have notice that i can’t edit course from frontend Can you please fix this for me ? https://www.dynamicinfluencecourses.com/dev1/ scrrenshot of bug : https://prnt.sc/KHuQPqaVUDhh
    Jacob shinobu
    Unlock your brand's creative potential with GridGen. In a competitive market, GridGen gridgen.ai acts as a key tool for unlocking a unique design voice. It's not just a tool; it's a medium for strategic self-expression. GridGen empowers you to infuse your brand's identity into every design element, ensuring your online presence stands out.
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