Can I get some details in Student profile ? please see attached image.
Since this is a customisation, we can only guide you to achieve this.
Use the action : bp_before_member_header_meta
The function for displayed user id : bp_displayed_user_id
Assuming you're storing custom information (B.Com, Delhi, India) in a Profile fields with name XXX, YYY, ZZZ
You can use this function to get the information from the field :
$user_id = bp_displayed_user_id();
$field = 'XXX'; // OR 'YYY', or 'ZZZ'
echo bp_get_profile_field_data( array('user_id'=>$user_id,'field'=>$field ));
using above information you'll be able to achieve what you need.
I am not website developer. or expert.
Please tell me step by step, which file I should edit and where should I put code.
please tell me that I should put this code in Customizer or anywhere else ? Where should I put this code and after which line ?