Edit Vibe taxonomy Carousel

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  • #171516
    Team, I am using your demo 10. I would like to edit the text of "Vibe taxonomy Carousel", you have provided below counting numbers. Kindly provide me the instructions.
    Mark Morgan
    You can edit this text from wp-admin -> LMS -> Course category -> Edit category. Refer : http://prntscr.com/kfmcl3
    Hi, I would like to change the image of course categories. I am not talking about the Thumbnail / image, I am talking about the color #ff4367 which is making the thumbnail blur. In fact I would like to remove the #ff4367 color and show clear thumbnail for categories. Also, while installing the theme DEMO 10 it never asked me to change the default color, your documentation shows that it should ask, but it ignores that stage and goes to welcome page. I have already tried changing the "Theme Primary Color" from Customize panel but not succeeded. Check screenshot : http://prntscr.com/kolmg9 According to my friend I need to change that color from the database. I tried searching #ff4367 from PhpMyAdmin but not succeeded. You guys should fix the default color issue while installing the theme, this is time consuming, as manually changing the color from many places it headache. Thanks.
    Mark Morgan
    Edit your home page in the backend . The CSS code for this added here as you can see in the screenshot. Click on that and change the color. Then save. Refer: http://prntscr.com/kp05l6
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