Emails, Messgaes, Notofocations aren't work in

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  • #47880
    Hi before i make update to was every thing is ok after update i didn't receive any email or message or notification however i set touch points as i need. example: when student subscribe to course i set touch point to send email and notification to both student and instructor, but nothing happen also in dashboard :Contact Instructors section when i send message to member or in instructor nothing reach to members or instructors thank you
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please try disabling the html email template of wplms from wp-admin -> lms -> settings -> emails ->
    i did with enabling and disabling the html email template, but it still not work
    Hi i think that i caught the issue i installed another wordpress site as a test and setup wplms theme when i compare database tables for both "main site & test site" i found that: tables responsible for messages and notifications are not found  and i don't know how it happen. see screenshot: left side is database for new site i used for test right side is main site, as you can see 5 tables in left side with red highlight aren't found in database in right side so do you know how i can reset these tables ? thank you
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well please check if you have enabled the  "Private messaging" and other componenets of buddypress from wp-admin -> settings -> buddypress -> components .
    yeah Private messaging enabled, it still not working if i uninstall and reinstall Buddypress plugin it will work ? or may cause crashes for the site ?
    Anshuman Sahu
    Deactivating or deleting buddypress will definitely crash your site as the whole wplms theme and all its plugins are dependent on it . Try deactivating the components and then again enable them and check if the table appears now ? Try sending a message to anyone . Can you please also check if the activation emails or forget password emails are sending out from your site . If not then please contact your webhost on this . you can also import the tables which are not in your site .  
    the activation emails and forget password emails working well any way i added the required tables and it work well now thank you
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