i have a big problem after last update and want to resolve it as soon as possible
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That error does not cause any issue at your end as we have already handled this.
There is some response issue for instructor students API which is fixed in wplms_plugin.check this
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Checked at your end after creating course we get an error but course created successfully.
Also at our end, we did not get any error for the same step.
We have tested and found that the issue is with batch curriculum which will be fixed in next update of batch
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The errors shown in the video are not indicating any error. WPLMS does not use jQuery at all and the warnings are from Elementor scripts, jQuery and other. There is one warning in ajvascript from wplms instructor statisitcs widget which is not connected to this issue.
The issue is this :
Once the batch curriculum is enabled.There is a check which is locating course batches and you are unable to save a course which does not have any batch.
Course with batch : No issues.
Please confirm becuase based on above findings we apply the fix. The fix seems easier but we need to be sure that you are facing this issue otherwise we need to inspect your site again.
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So is the issue resolved at the moment ?
The video you shared shows warnings and errors and except of 1 instructor stats, rest of them are not coming from WPLMS.
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We have checked at your end using the above cred, that error is not relevant to the error loading data for instructor students API because no student was found for the current instructor.
So there is no issue with that.
And the firebase messaging error arrived but no issue with that also because notification permission is blocked from the browser from here
Let me know if you have any other doubt or we can close this thread?