Event Prerequisite

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  • #107633
    I would like to create an event that - allows student to register/rsvp - only people who have completed a specific course can register - the event will be happening on several dates so students can pick which date they would like can you please advise me on how I could achieve this? thanks
    Anshuman Sahu
    For RSVP with events you can try this addon of eventon plugin for your events . http://www.myeventon.com/addons/rsvp-events/ Restriction is already done in wplms . Create event from front end and save the events and this event will only show in the events tab of the course. You would need to set visibility of this tab from wp-admin=> lms-> settings ->Course Home Settings->"Events " -> Course Events Visibility  :  so that only course users can RSVP for this event . For several dates you would need to create the event for each date .
    thanks for the quick reply:)
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