EventOn activation

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  • #109694
    not true, it is not working, it disables all the other links on a page that you insert shortcode on and if you try to troubleshoot it , then it gives you an error that plugin needs activation. Please fix this. thanks.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well working just fine at my test setup check : http://prntscr.com/f2vxug Can you please share your site url admin credentials and steps to replicate the issue ?
    don't know what to say, it does not on mine. as for the link disabling it was another plugin crashed, so i solved that one. however, it still does not let me use the shortcode feature unless i manually add the shortcode. says activation needed.
    Anshuman Sahu
    It seems like you have installed eventon plugin externally by yourself which is why that message is showing to you . I have fixed this in your site . Please check and confirm .
    it is fixed, thank you! Although i do not know why it would show as installed externally, it was installed during the theme installation wizard, same as everything else. thanks though.
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