Extra padding at bottom of page after update

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  • #60461
    After updating to the latest WPLMS  Theme I have a large block of padding added to the bottom of my pages and I can't seem to find where it's coming from? site is live at http://themessageofyou.com bottom of page see also attached screen grab
    Anshuman Sahu
    Yep there is a padding coming up in your body section content but there is no such code present in theme or any of its plugins that can add padding in your content . to quick fix this please try adding the given css in your wp-admin -> appearance -> customize -> custom css : .home section#content {padding-bottom:30px !important;}
    Well that fixed it on the home page, but it looks like it is on all of the pages on my site, any code you can send to fix it site wide?
    Actually, never mind I figured it out.  Thanks!
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