facebook login/register has stopped working on our site. We have even set up a new App with new secret but the problem persists.
When a new user tries to use the facebook button on the register page, the popup opens and the user is asked for permission. However then the user is not added to our user base even though we have set up the profile fields in the backend.
Using the Facebook Login just reloads the page and doesn't log the user in to their profile.
I am at the end of what I can do.
I have rechecked the facebook app in the dev account as well as made a new app with new secret though the problem persists.
could you look into this?
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As recommended I installed the plugin. It works. However there is a styling issue with the login popup form. Here the login buttons are displayed twice and don't render properly.
Do you mind taking a look with the details I have provided previously?
looks fine to me: https://share.getcloudapp.com/RBuXG7QA
would you mind sharing screenshots.
Okay Closing the topic