Hi. I posted this at https://wplms.io/support/forums/topic/instructor-bio-page-layout-issues/ but the topic was marked "closed" before I could respond.
I followed the advice from Alex to add the custom css code, but the different faculty listings are not laying out correctly. There is still a gap in one row/column.
What else can be done to fix this? (thanks!)
The topic is still open it was not closed by anyone .Please refer to the reply there :
I went to that link and the answer works! Thanks!
Re the topic being open, there is a statement in yellow below the thread that says "The forum ‘Issue log’ is closed to new topics and replies" and there's no reply field (hence replying here).
The users are not allowed to create an topic in the issue log forums .
This forum is just for only for the topics which vibethemes staff marks as an issue and topic with genuine issues are moved into this forum .