What happens is that on the home page a main menu appears with a smaller upper menu. When I scroll, the smallest top menu remains fixed and not the main one.
Also in the courses pages and woocommerce pages the smallest top menu does not appear and only the main one appears. It's confusing
I have the demo installed: https://demos.wplms.io/ and the header is Sleek
header in home and elementor pages: https://prnt.sc/1vuwuyr
header in course and woocommerce pages: https://prnt.sc/1vux2au
How can this be fixed? Thanks
When I scroll, the smallest top menu remains fixed and not the main one.
yes this is the default functionality
Also in the courses pages and woocommerce pages the smallest top menu does not appear and only the main one appears.
but that's not
need to check please provide details