Forgot Password link not sending mail to the user

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  • #52508
    Hi Having some more problems :) 1. The Forgot password link does not send any mail or new password link to the user. Need to solve this now, please? 2. How can I choose which tabs (vertical) showing in the user profiles? 3. How can I hide / remove items from the user profile menu? 4. Site does not allow user to logg in again says they are already logged in. 5. Need to give / change permissions for Editors, want them to be able to change the Courseleaders profiles and passwords etc. ALSO need Editors to be able to change the menus. How? Hoping for a quick answer. Many thanks in advance!
    Sorry forgot. One more issue: 1. Used your CSS fix and most of the button texts are now white as they should be BUT there still are some that is darkgrey, for example in the shop and in users account; show recent orders. What is the fix for that. Thanks in advance!
    Anshuman Sahu
    1. Please try enabling the wplms html email and the save email template.Set activation account email and then forgot password email and then check the issue . refer  : 2. can you please share screenshots and particularly for which user you want to show/hide which tab ? 3. Please refer : 4. Please try deactivating third party plugins if you have any specially those which are related to login . Make sure wplms theme and all its plguins are updaetd to latest version . 5. You can do this with the help of this plugin : 6. Please share url of that page and also share screenshot where you want to change color ?  
    Alex, <span style="color: #4b4d4d; font-family: Lato; font-size: 14px;">Same issue... The Forgot password link does not send any mail or new password link to the user. </span> In email setting I only see email options, email settings, schedule emails. Thanks,  
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi, @rllanos: Please create a new topic for your issue. --------- This is a very old topic and back then we had our own email templates to send the email. Now the emails are sent by buddypress, please make sure you have migrated the wplms emails to buddypress and then you can edit the emails in the wp-admin->emails. If the link is not clickable then there could be some error on the page. Please share the page url to check it. --------- PS: Closing this topic, please create your own topic for your issue.
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