Fresh installation problems on events

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  • #237425
    Hi all, most important problems: 1) in "course -> events tabs ->eventon" calendar doesn't work in chorme, i can't switch months (firefox is ok) 2) in "course-> edit course -> events" I can see only last 10 events 3) in "course-> edit course -> events->Event Start date (time)" : time set is shifted by 2 hours
    Anshuman Sahu
    1 . We have to check this at your end . Please share your site url and admin credentials in private reply to check this . Try to switch the view of the events from wp-admin -> lms -> settings -> events settings . 2 . YEs this is a bug , please share your valid ftp credentials to fix this . 3 . This is also an issue for the events created from front end .   Previously eventon do not usually maintain the UTC offset which it does now .So we have to remove our code for UTC offset . please track : will be fixing this in upcoming update of wplms eventon plugin .
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    Anshuman Sahu
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