Hi Support,
It used to be working fine but now the front-end course admin isn't working. What I mean by isn't working is new course cannot be created. I can go to Course and click create new course button but once I get to another page to enter the name of the course etc., I cannot click Create Course + the button anymore. This goes the same to editing the existing course. The rest of the site working fine except that teachers now unable to create and edit new course/existing course respectively.
I will try to unable plugins and test it to see if it works or not first and will post the result here. If this doesn't work, I hope someone from the support team would be able to help me out here.
The site URL is at www.myanmarwave.com. Appreciated.
Hi Support,
False alarm as during the update, there were several plugins that did not get activated.
Okay can you please share some screenshots , admin credentials to check this at your end .
Please refer this tip to setup the edit course :
Can you please share more information ,some screenshots on this ?Is it related to the recommended plugins or is it related to the addons plugins not getting activated .
Please check for the plugins are activated on the Installed plugins screen .