Hi, for some reason images on a post page (https://www.photigy.com/publications/) are full size featured images from posts, not thumbnails. If you'll look at the code, images size are 1200px and larger, they are displaying as little thumbnails.
This is not a good practice, I am wondering is this a bug on our installation or you have it set this way in WPLMS?
Please advice on how to fix this.
I've checked my setup, no these are not full images. refer below screenshot :

WordPress 4.4 automatically pics the image from the srcset attribute depending upon the viewport width, this selection happens in realtime and may not be visible in the view source.
Yes, see it works on your install, but not mine. See attached screenshot.
Any ideas why it may happen?
It can be a browser issue. May be browser has cached the image and showing full image only.
If you take a look at our code, then you can see that we never fetches full images we only fetch medium image, refer:
http://prntscr.com/ak7hu1. As you can see its not a coding issue, but it is the browser issue.