The course gifting option is just appearing as a link not styled as it was before https://prnt.sc/10nemhp. Could you check on this, please?
Thank you
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You need to login and click that link so that a form will appear there
It had a CSS styling before that was showing more of like a button and not just a direct a href link, the problem is about how it is being displayed and not the function. Do you understand the problem now?
I can style it like a button again if you can share a screenshot, how you would like to show that
We just want the button to look the way it was before the update, can you work on that, please?
Or could you just style it to look like the 'TAKE THIS COURSE' button here https://prnt.sc/10nemhp
Okay, Please share site URL with admin credentials here in a private reply. I will fix this on your site
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Any updates here, please?
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The "Gift this course link" it is not appearing like a button with the border and aligned to the center e.g Take this course or Send as Gift button.
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The CSS has been added but is not coming up as in the image, could you login with the provided credentials and have a look?
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